News & Updates

Fortune Field Information

Background information on Fortune Field

1877 139 years ago, Canada allotted the ¾ acre graveyard as reserve land…

Food Security Iniative

The Community Gardens are growing! thanks very much to the Splatsin Development Corporation for their generous donation of $1,000.00 towards the Food Security movement.

IT Security/ Ethical Hacking and Networking

I am thinking of starting a business for IT security/ ethical hacking and networking.

Splatsin Proposed Tax Rates 2016

Proposed 2016 Tax Rates

Crisis Line Partnership Announced

Hello all, I am excited to share the new partnership between FNHA and KUU-US Crisis line. 

Trans Canada Hwy Expansion – Elders Site Tour (Sexqeltemc te Secwepemc)

Over the next several years, a number of road and bridge construction projects will occur during the TCH1 expansion from Hoffman’s Bluff to the Alberta border.

Secwepemc Governance Meeting

Secwepemc leadership is coming together along with their technical representatives to plan for governance/system/process which will work for all Secwepemc.

Shihiya School Registration 2016-2017

It is hard to believe that the 2015-2016 school year is almost over.  We are excited for the next school year already.

Thank you to Band Administrator Loretta Eustache

Thank you to Band Administrator Loretta Eustache

Health & Wellness Funding

Please be advised that the Health & Wellness Funding 2015/16 applications have ended on March 31st, 2016

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Designed, Developed and Hosted by Sproing Creative.