Mental Wellness

Splatsin’s Mental Wellness Team is comprised of health professionals who walk with band members along their path to health, promoting balance in mental, spiritual, emotional and physical wellness.

Contact Mental Wellness

Mental Wellness Manager
Robb Lansdowne
T (250) 838-9538 ext. 302

Holistic Wellness Practitioner
Denica Bleau
T (250) 309-2936

Holistic Wellness Practitioner
Jessica Kent
T (250) 309-2331

Residential School Survivors/Trauma Counselling

If you or someone you know needs support, there are options available to you through Splatsin Health Services and other service providers. Knucwentwecw – help each other.

  • Splatsin Health Services Mental Wellness Team (Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.): 1-250-838-9538
  • KU-USS Crisis Line (24/7): 1-800-588-8717
  • Indian Residential School Survivors Support Line (24/7): 1-866-925-4419

Below: Kukpi7 Wayne Christian addresses the recent discovery of the remains of 215 children at the former Kamloops Residential School. WARNING: This video contains details that may be distressing for some people.

Addictions Counselling

Band members experiencing addiction issues are supported with referrals to counselling and addictions and treatment detox. Harm reduction supplies and education are also available.

Child & Youth Counselling

Our counselling services for children and youth ages 5-18 are shared between Splatsin, Adams Lake Indian Band, Little Shuswap Indian Band and Neskonlith Indian Band. This confidential service can provide children, youth and families with the following:

  • Initial assessment and clinical screening
  • Mental wellness counselling
  • Referrals to other resources as required
  • Advocacy and support throughout the treatment and healing process

Health Care Information & Advocacy

Individuals navigating the health care system are assisted through coordination with doctors, specialists and support teams; advocacy for desired referrals and treatments; resource research, funding and pathways to access; the link between health authorities and Splatsin; and referrals to community-based organizations and resources.

Legal Support

Individuals experiencing legal issues are supported by referrals to legal resources and support with applications; domestic violence situations; navigating the Family Maintenance Enforcement Program; navigating child welfare issues; understanding and following probation orders; referrals to the Native Court Worker; and understanding court issues.

Housing Support

Individuals experiencing housing issues are supported by low-income housing applications assistance; subsidy and financial assistance; the development of short, medium and long-term housing plans; referrals to emergency shelters and transition housing; advocacy with landlords; and referrals to legal assistance to tenancy disputes.

Financial Application Support

Individuals experiencing financial issues are supported by referrals to food banks; assistance with financial resource applications including Persons with Disability (PWD) and Appeals and Income Assistance; referrals to employment and education resources; childcare subsidy applications; referrals to income tax and debt counselling; and assistance communicating with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).


Wellbriety is an Indigenous 12 step program that focuses on healing from trauma and addictions. Splatsin’s weekly programming has been suspended until further notice due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, Wellbriety International is hosting daily virtual sessions online here.

Self Help Guide

Mental Health Crisis Lines


Harm Reduction Education & Supplies

Domestic Violence & Abuse

General Wellness

What is harm reduction?

One of the values Splatsin Health Services (SHS) uses to approach addiction and substance use is Harm Reduction. The toxic drug supply crisis has made this more important to the work they do. Harm Reduction focuses on safety and positive change for people who use drugs and alcohol, without judgement, and without requiring them to stop using drugs so that they can access services. Harm reduction is based on justice and human rights for people who use drugs.

According to the First Nations Health Authority (FNHA), Indigenous Harm Reduction is a process of integrating cultural knowledge and values into the strategies and services associated with the work of harm reduction. Indigenous knowledge systems are strongly connected to spirituality, holism, and the natural environment.

Principles of Harm Reduction

  • Respect the rights of people who use drugs
  • Policies are based on evidence not people’s personal feelings or beliefs (ideologies)
  • A commitment to social justice and collaborating with networks of people who use drugs
  • Does not view people who use substances as bad people
  • Attempts to reduce harms caused by drug use rather than ignoring or condemning them
  • Acknowledges that some ways of using drugs are safer than others
  • Views improved quality of life as a success instead of trying to force people to stop using drugs
  • Does not minimize or ignore the real and tragic harm and danger that can be associated with drug use
  • Ensures people who use substances have a voice in the programs and policies that impact them

Goals of Harm Reduction

  • Keep people alive and encourage positive change in their lives
  • Reduce the harms of drug laws and policy
  • Contribute to a safer community for everyone

Examples of Harm Reduction with an Indigenous Perspective

  • Wolf: building relationships with people who use drugs. For example, providing outreach services that are culturally safe, trauma-informed, and meet people where they are.
  • Eagle: use patience and reflection. For example, healing moves at the speed and in the direction of the person who is using a substance. This is called client-centred care.
  • Bear: an individual’s culture and traditions are sources of protection and strength. For example, incorporating an individual’s cultural practices into their healing journey.
  • Raven: an individual is not defined by their addictions or the mistakes they have made. For example, work to reduce stigma towards people who use substances and support people to learn from mistakes but not be burdened by them.

Harm Reduction at Splatsin Health Services

  • Elder outreach and support programs
  • Information and resources for safer ways to use substances
  • Supply, distribution, and needle and pipe recovery programs
  • Take-home naloxone kits and fentanyl testing kits
  • Mental wellness and healing support
  • Peer support programs

Benefits of Harm Reduction

  • Increase referrals to support programs and health and social services
  • Reduce stigma/negative labelling and increase access to health services
  • Reduce sharing of substance use equipment (needles and pipes)
  • Reduce hepatitis and HIV
  • Reduce overdose deaths and other early deaths of people who use substances, including alcohol
  • Increase knowledge around safer substance use
  • Increase knowledge around safer sex and sexual health and increase condom use
How-to Craft Videos

With the help of community members, we have created a series of traditional and non-traditional crafts to keep your hands busy during COVID-19. See the videos here.

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