News & Updates

Community Christmas Party and Concert

Activities begin at 1:00 PM
Shihiya Christmas Concert 4:45 PM
Santa arrives at 7:00 PM
Rides are available, contact reception (250) 838-6496

Winter Solstice Celebration

Pipe Ceremony at 10:00 AM
Lunch served at 12:00 PM
Giveaway during lunch
Lahal begins at 1:00 PM

Shihiya School Raffle

Draw December 15, 2016 at the Christmas Concert

December 2016 Health Support Services

Ongoing intense crisis supports and traditional cultural supports will be available through Splatsin Health Services until end of January 2017.  All year around, Splatsin Health Services offers weekly supports by registered clinicians, social workers, nurses and wellness workers.


For more information about the support services available or referral to services, contact Laura Hockman at the Health Centre at 250-838-9538 or cell at 250-306-7931 (Call or text).  Laura is available Monday to Friday at the Health Centre 8:30 to 4:30pm.


Stewart Johnson (Addictions and Wellness Worker) is trained in crisis response and grief and loss support.  Stewart also facilitates a Wellbriety Group on Wednesday’s at 7pm at the Health Centre. He is available at the Health Centre Monday to Friday 8:30 to 4:30 pm.


Jessica Kent (Health Social Worker) is available for information and referral to various supports and community programs. She is available at the Health Centre Tuesday’s, Thursday’s and Friday’s 8:30 to 4:30pm.

The Gift Of Self Esteem

This culturally safe program will show you how to achieve your level success by defining success in your own terms.   

The program will consist of watching a DVD on topics related to self-esteem, group discussion and individual work in a workbook

Critical Incident Stress

provided by David McCauley from FNESS

KUU-US Crisis Line

A first nations crisis line available 24 hours a day. It is a confidential and culturally safe service

Overdoes Alert

Messages for these conversations would include:


•             Please be careful when using

•             Use less than you normally would

•             Know the signs of overdose and that people need to take a breath every 5 seconds

•             Try not to use alone, and if you do please have someone check on you and have a safety plan

•             Please watch out for each other

•             Call 911 quickly when you notice something isn’t right

•             Provide breaths

•             Get naloxone
 Janine Stevenson  RN ( c ), BScN, MSN

CDC Nurse Specialist, STBBI’s/Harm Reduction, Health Protection
First Nations Health Authority540-757 West Hastings St.| Vancouver, BC  |  V6C 3E6

Phone: 1-604-693-6964 |  Cell: 778-984-5778| Fax: 604.666-2029

Your Community and Family Needs You

To share and receive.  Both are equally important

Turkey Voucher

On Reserve residents

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Designed, Developed and Hosted by Sproing Creative.