News & Updates

Shihiya School and School District No. 83 Updates

Here is an update of what is happening for Shihiya School students:

Week of March 30th to April 3rd

  • Teachers will be contacting all parents this week, please be expecting a phone call by Wednesday
  • Teachers will be checking in to see how your family is coping and gathering information to help us plan for at home learning. Teachers will be asking you to provide information to help in the planning and coordination
  • During this week and in the weeks moving forward, teachers and school staff will be working hard to plan ways to best support and provide Home Learning Opportunities

If you have not been contacted by Friday, April 3, 2020, please contact Reidun Kopp, Head Teacher. At this time the main contact for Shihiya School will be Reidun Kopp, Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

Reidun Kopp
[email protected]

School District No. 83

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