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Off-Reserve Splatsin Band Members Contest

Attention all Off-Reserve Splatsin Band Members!

Christmas and the Splatsin Election are fast approaching.

In order to ensure that every vote is counted and that every household receives their 2023 Christmas gift, Splatsin is asking all Off-Reserve Splatsin Band Members to please provide their up-to-date mailing address.

To encourage everyone to send in their address, Splatsin is holding a contest!

Every address provided will be entered in a draw to win:

• $500.00 (1st Prize)

• $300.00 (2nd Prize)

• $200.00 (3rd Prize)

To Enter:

Simply email your current mailing address including postal code to [email protected] by October 18, 2023.

The winners will be individually contacted and announced on the Splatsin Band Members Facebook page on October 20, 2023.

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