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Kukpi7 & Tkwamipla7 Self-Imposed Social Distancing


A message from Kukpi7 Wenecwtsin and Tkwamipla7 Theresa William, George William, Shawn Tronson, Doug Thomas and Edna Felix:

In response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, I, along with some Tkwamipla7, have chosen to self-isolating ourselves due to recent travel history and according to recommendations from the BC Centre for Disease Control and other health authorities including the First Nations Health Authority (FNHA). All other Tkwamipla7 who are not self-isolating, are self-monitoring. These decisions were made to protect the health and wellness of not only each other but the entire community.

Below are the definitions of the three levels of protection against the risks associated with COVID-19 according to the Public Health Agency of Canada:

Self-monitoring is for people who have no symptoms but possible exposure to the novel coronavirus. This means to monitor yourself for 14 days for one or more symptoms of COVID-19. People at this level should avoid crowded places and maintain a social distance of one meter or three feet from others to reduce the spread of the virus. This is for people who have reason to believe they may have been exposed to a person with COVID-19 or for people who are in close contact with older adults.

Self-isolation is for people who have no symptoms but have recently travelled outside of Canada or have been in close contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19. This means to stay at home for 14 days and monitor yourself for symptoms of the virus.

Isolation is for people who have symptoms of COVID-19 and you have been diagnosed with the virus or are waiting for test results. This means to stay at home until the Public Health Authority advises you that you are no longer at risk of spreading the virus to others. This also means to avoid contact with other people to prevent the spread of the virus in your community.


BC Centre for Disease Control:

First Nations Health Authority:

Our number one priority is, and always has been, the health and wellness of our community. We are encouraging the membership to work together and follow the guidelines developed by health authorities.

Kukpi7 Wenecwtsin

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