News & Updates

Okanagan College Multicultural Day

March 15, 2017

Naloxone Alert

Check the expiry date 

Carfentanil Warning

Forward on Behalf of Pamela Crema FHNA Regional Nurse Manager, Interior Region

BC AFN Women’s Diologue Session

The BCAFN will be hosting a Women’s Dialogue Session on Coast Salish Territory in Vancouver, BC on March 16 & 17, 2017. Please see attached for more information. Please contact Maureen Grant at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Communicating Student Learning; Reporting on Student Learning

Please see attached SD83 Poster about “Communicating Student Learning; Reporting on Student Learning” parent information night on March 15 from 6:00-7:00 PM in the PVSS Library. Will be a great informational session with Terry Taylor – Superintendent of Schools SD 10.

Screen Agers

Growing Up In The Digital Age – Screen Agers presentation at Falkland Community Hall on March 10 2017 from 6:45-8:30 PM (doors open at 6:00 PM) and hosted by Falkland School. Please see attached poster.

Language Classes

For More Information contact Selena Fletcher at Shihiya (250)838-2246

Community General Assembly

The January newsletter date was posted in error.


For More Information: contact Stewart Johnston at Splatsin Health Centre (250) 838-9538 ext. 306

Moose Hide Campaign

Why moose hide?

Lacerte, a member of the Cariboo Clan and the Carrier Nation, founded the campaign four years ago. The idea came to him while hunting with his daughter Raven.

The pair were looking for moose along the Highway of Tears, a notorious stretch of highway in Northern B.C. where 18 women have gone missing, or were found murdered.

Lacerte says they were both touched by the violence that had happened around them. While cleaning a moose later that day, they decided to use its hide for a cause.

“We tanned the moose hide and we cut it up into little squares and we pinned it on our shirts, and we started giving those squares to other men,” said Lacerte.

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