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Be Bear Aware!

As spring develops it is a wonderful time to get out on the tmicw (land).

Title and Rights would like to remind you to be cautious because bears are waking up, and other animals have their young that they are trying to keep safe. Animals have made it through the long winter and are searching for food, and do not need any more stress. Please be careful enjoying the territory.

Here is a reminder to be bear aware and make your property bear-proof with as little damage as possible to the bear population or community members.

• Be aware that there are bears out and around so to keep garbage, bird feeders, and other types of food attractants locked up, empty or to make sure that it’s not left unattended for too long to prevent bears hanging around and learning that people provide food sources.

• If you see a bear and it’s not in transit to make noise and try to move it along, so long as there is a clear and safe way for the bear to leave the area.

• If people are leaving the office or their home, it’s recommended to make noise as they are exiting and have a look around for any wildlife that may be moving through to let them know that you’re there too, and avoid any unwanted interaction. Bears are mostly just wanting to move through without any attention or trouble but it’s increasingly more difficult for them to do so with all the development.

The Skwalaqs (Black Bear) is a friend to our people. They look after all the four-legged creatures as well as berries, fish, and water located in bear habitat and as as stewards of the land, we need to ensure that we are not contributing to unwanted conflict with wildlife.

If bears or cougars are showing more aggressive or threatening behaviour, please call the RAPP (report a poacher or polluter) line at 1 (877) 952-7277.

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