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A Leadership Message from Kukpi7 Christian

Are you having Challenges in maintaining physical distancing? Doing school work? Remembering what day of the week it is? Not seeing your friends and relatives that don’t live with you? Feeling lonely? Feelings of when is this going to end? When are things going to be normal again? Will I be able to go to school again? Will I graduate this year? Will the sports teams I played on start up again? When will restaurants open again? When will movie theatres open again?  Reach out to someone, talk to them about how you are feeling and make an emotional connection. Structure your day, especially for the children, as children need structure to feel normal and to have boundaries.

Remember we are amid a worldwide pandemic that is impacting every country and every aspect of society. We are under a State of Emergency in Canada and the Secwepemc Nation. All of our communities are in varying stages of emergency preparedness. What medical research is showing us is that the simple acts of washing your hands, coughing into your elbow, physical distancing and staying at home are having a positive impact. You are making a difference. Remember, if you feel sick to contact our nurses at the Splatsin Health Centre.

We all have so many questions and very little answers at this time as B.C. is moving to flatten the curve. We are all getting restless and wanting things to shift so we can have some sense of normalcy again. I know people are struggling, but you are finding ways to be productive in your homes and yards. Some of you are planting gardens. Some of you are doing crafts. Some of you are finding other things to occupy your time. Some of you with children are getting onto the land. Some of you are doing things that you did not have time for before the pandemic. Some of you are trying things that you didn’t think you could do. As families, you are all doing a good job despite the difficult times we are all living in.

We are all in this together—we shall survive. Keep safe look after yourself because when you look after yourself you are looking after your family.

Watch a video update from Kukpi7 Christian published on April 16

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