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SDC Xmas Gift Cards: An Update

The following is a message from Paul Rasmussen, SDC Interim CEO and Board Member.

It has been brought to my attention, that when we handed out gift cards for Christmas, it was not inclusive of members who live off reserve. It was not our intention to leave any members out, and for that oversight, I apologize!

As such (and I realize this gift is late in coming), SDC would like to offer those households that are off-reserve, a $40 Canco gift card. If your household did not receive a gift over Christmas, and you would like to receive a card, please respond to [email protected], with your name and mailing address. We will look for responses on this until February 15, 2024, after which time we’ll consider the matter closed.

Thank you so much, and again, Happy New Year!

Paul Rasmussen

Interim CEO / Board member, SDC

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