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Shihiya School Orange Hoodies

Good afternoon, There was a lot of interest generated from the last Orange Shirt Day for Shihiya School Orange Hoodies.

As promised, Shihiya School will be placing an order for this year.

We want to have the order & payments received by August 15, 2023 to ensure we receive them by September 30.

All the details can be found by clicking the link below, or they can be accessed via the attached qr code.

Shihiya School is not selling these for to earn a profit; you are only paying for the actual cost of the hoodie and printing.

If you expressed interest on Aboriginal Day you will receive an invoice to your email to confirm that your order is on the list.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to Nerissa Joseph by calling (250) 309-0823 or e-mailing [email protected].

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