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New Nurse Practitioner at Splatsin Health

Please say hello to Michelle Sam!

Michelle will be starting with Splatsin Health as a Nurse Practitioner on Thursday, April 20.

Michelle is an Indigenous Family Nurse Practitioner from Nak’azdli First Nation in Fort St. James with 12+ years’ experience providing culturally safe health care to Indigenous people in urban settings both on and off-reserve.

She previously worked as a Nurse Practitioner for more than 5 years, providing primary care to the Indigenous population in the Fraser Health Region, including Katzie First Nation and Tsawwassen First Nation.

Michelle graduated from UBC with her Master of Nursing-Nurse Practitioner degree in 2017 and obtained her Bachelor of Science in Nursing in 2005 from KPU. She possesses in-depth knowledge of Indigenous history, having experienced the on-going barriers to accessing equitable health care.

Michelle hopes to influence systemic change by sharing practical healthcare knowledge, and is extremely excited to learn and work with the local First Nations in the Shuswap area!

Join us in welcoming Michelle to Splatsin.

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