News & Updates

COVID-19 Community Update 72

Splatsin currently has 0 active cases and 0 in self-isolation. Over 300 community members have been vaccinated to-date.

Splatsin Health Services will be offering a COVID-19 vaccine clinic again tomorrow, Friday, March 26. Please call the Health Centre at (250) 838-9538 to book an appointment. Anyone 18 years or older with ties to community members are eligible to receive the vaccine – this includes Splatsin members living on and off-reserve within the area, staff, and those caring for/living with band members on-reserve.

If you are hesitant about the vaccine for any reason, our Registered Nurses are available to answer your questions between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. during the week. As Kukpi7 stated last week – you are deciding between two things – getting COVID-19 or getting the vaccine. If you don’t get the vaccine, you may be infected with the virus. If you do get the vaccine, you will have 92% coverage after the first dose and up to 95% coverage after the second. It is important to evaluate these two options not only for yourself, but your loved ones and the most vulnerable people in our community such as our elders who are our knowledge keepers.

There is a lot of misinformation and conspiracies online and in the news. Our health team uses science to make decisions and the science behind the Moderna vaccine and all of the other approved vaccines proves its safety and effectiveness against COVID-19. Read about the science behind the vaccine from the First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) HERE.

Read about why other Indigenous people in BC chose to get their vaccine and share your reasons HERE.

COVID-19 Contacts

  • Splatsin Health Centre: (250) 838-9538
  • HealthLink BC: 8-1-1
  • BC COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool: here
  • Non-heath information hotline: 1-888-COVID19

Practice ‘The 5’:

Face: Don’t touch it
Feet: Stay 6 feet from people outside of your home
Cough: Into your elbow
Hands: Wash them with soap and water often
Sick?: Stay home and call the Splatsin Health Centre

COVID-19 Resources

Continue to act like you already have COVID-19. If you experience flu-like or respiratory symptoms, call Splatsin Health Services at (250) 838-9538. After hours, call HealthLink BC at 811. These updates are published weekly by Splatsin Health Services using the most recent COVID-19 data available.
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