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2020 Pulling Together Canoe Journey postponed to 2021

Waytk-p Pulling Together Canoe Families,

After careful consideration and heavy hearts, the 2020 Pulling Together Planning Committee has made the extremely difficult decision to postpone the 2020 Pulling Together Canoe Journey due to the current COVID-19 Pandemic. The health and safety of not only the host communities, but also all Pulling Together Canoe Journey Participants, is of the utmost importance, and we feel the decision to postpone is the most logical and realistic way to ensure the continued health and safety of everyone involved.

The 2020 Pulling Together Planning Committee recognizes each year participants eagerly anticipate the Canoe Journey, as it provides opportunity for togetherness, relationship building, and healing. Because of this, the 2020 Pulling Together Planning Committee will continue to provide engagement opportunities for the Pulling Together community leading up to July 2021. The planning committee hopes these engagement opportunities will assist in filling the gap that has been created by the current COVID-19 Pandemic and the postponement of the 2020 Canoe Journey.

The Pulling Together Canoe Journey planned for 2020 was extremely significant, as it would have been the 20th anniversary of the Pulling Together Canoe Journey. Additionally, the Journey was scheduled to return to the beautiful Shuswap for the first time since 2013. Because of this, the Planning Committee has made the decision to continue to plan in anticipation of hosting the 20th Anniversary Canoe Journey in the Shuswap for July 2021!

Signed by:

Adams Lake Indian Band
Little Shuswap Lake Band
Simpcw First Nation
Tk’emlups te Secwepemc

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