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Emergency Preparedness

Good morning all,

With all the snow that has fallen over the night and the snow forecast to fall over the next couple of days, please ensure you are prepared in case there are power outages.

Try to be prepared for at least 72 hours. If we can learn anything from the last major snowfall, let’s learn how to better prepare ourselves for these types of incidents.

Some things to think about:

  • Ensure you have enough candles, blankets and warm clothes for prolonged outages. Also ensure you have extra batteries for flashlights and other battery powered electronics. Be prepared to be without data for cellphones so try to limit usage. Charge up power packs if you have any.
  • Make sure you have enough water. Fill plastic bottles, mugs, thermos, kettles. Even without power, you can still use water stored in your kettle. Aim for about 2 liters per person, per day.
  • Keep some dry foods around that will keep you sustained for a couple of days. Try to limit how many times you open your refrigerator and freezer to prevent things from warming up.
  • If you have a woodstove, make sure you have enough wood.
  • If you have a BBQ, ensure you have extra propane for cooking outside.
  • Keep some dry foods around that will keep you sustained for a couple of days. Try to limit how many times you open your refrigerator and freezer to prevent things from warming up.
  • If you can leave dishes to be washed, do that. If you absolutely can’t, melt fresh snow and use that to do any washing you may require.
  • Look out for one another! Check on your family, friends, elders, neighbors, and anyone you may know who lives alone. Don’t be afraid to invite people over to stay with you

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Try to stay off the roads with all this snow. However, if you must drive, make sure you have a roadside safety kit. If you don’t have one, put a few of the following items in a waterproof container:

  • Jumper cables
  • Flashlight and extra batteries
  • Candles, waterproof matches, tin can (to put candle in to burn for heat)
  • Reflective vest, flares, reflectors
  • First aid kit
  • Blanket, space blanket or sleeping bag
  • Paper towels
  • Washer fluid and coolant
  • Ice scraper
  • Pen and paper
  • Granola or energy bars
  • Bottled water

Travel with boots, gloves, toques and extra socks. Don’t leave your vehicle in whiteout conditions. Stay visible while you wait for help.

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