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Invitation to – Okanagan College’s 10-Annual Louis Riel Day

Here is our invitation to Okanagan College’s 10th-Annual Louis Riel Day Celebration.

Please share the invitation with family, friends, fellow-students, staff and faculty. All community is welcome!

Please note this is a traditional pot-luck style event, however we want your participation whether or not you have a contribution for the meal. Your presence is our goal and a contribution is definitely not mandatory.

We are hoping to have some traditional Metis-style music and dance, as well as story-telling and artisan tables, but there are no guarantees, except that we will be very pleased to see each and every one of you! That is a guarantee.

Please try to attend this fun, casual, laid-back event.


Caroline Chartier

Aboriginal Transitions Planner

Okanagan College, Salmon Arm Campus

(250) 832-2126, extension 8275

(250) 515-1085, cell

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