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Splatsin Band Members – Health, Wellness & Memorandum of Understanding Forums

“Establishing a New Path Forward for Splatsin Health”


  • To gather community members health needs for program delivery
  • To prioritize those identified health needs

Opportunity to learn more about Health programs.

(Forums are not for individual case management or complaints but intended to educate and inform about existing funded health services & programming currently in place.)

Health will be hosting weekly 5.5 hours of specific health Focus Groups in June & July providing historical changes/foundational health programs/regarding funding envelope, programs objectives through FNHA.

Sessions will be facilitated by Crystal Morris.

Goal: To capture input/data from community members for a revised Community driven health priorities.


Cluster 1 – Community Forum Drinking Water Safety Program, COHI & Medical Patient Travel

June 14, 2019 Session 1 – History, Education & Foundation of Drinking Water Safety Program, COHI AND Medical Patient Travel

June 15, 2019 Session 2 – Drinking Water Safety Program, COHI AND Medical Patient Travel – Feedback Forum

Cluster 2 – Community Forum – Primary Care

June 26, 2019 Session 1 – History, Education & foundation of Home Care Services (Primary Care) & Programming

June 27, 2019 Session 2 – Home Care Services – Feedback Forum


Cluster 3 – Community Forum Public Health

July 11, 2019 Session 1 – History, Education & Foundation of Community Services (Public Health) & Programming

July 12, 2019 Session 2 – Community Health Services – Feedback Forum

Cluster 4 – Community Forum- Mental Health & Wellness

July 18, 2019 Session 1- History, Education & foundation of Mental Health & Wellness Services & Programming

July 19, 2019 Session 2- Mental Health & Wellness Services – Feedback Forum

Date to be Determined

Goal: Confirming What We Heard

Community Forum: Summary – Two Sessions 1 & 2 AND 3, & 4

Compile data and host community gathering to present finding from all Sessions.

Key questions: Did we capture everything? Did we capture it correctly? Did we miss anything?

Next Steps:

August: Develop Business case which include Splatsin Health findings/needs

September: Data will be presented in a business case developed by Splatsin for the purpose of negotiations between FNHA and Splatsin Leadership.

**Lunch Served, Door Prizes AND 1 Grand prize will be awarded at last session, one entry per session, increased by participating at each session.

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