News & Updates

Preferred Communication Method

Notice to all Splatsin Band Members,

We are currently setting up a data base to engage members through more effective communication. To implement this, we ask that you let us know your most current contact information. Your contact information will be kept confidential in the membership/communications office.

Please provide me with the following information by seeing me at the Splatsin Band Office, emailing me at (insert email), calling me at (insert phone) or completing a form at reception. Help us get you in the communication loop by February.


Mailing Address:



At Splatsin we are proud to provide each one of you with a monthly newsletter. We respect that some of you prefer traditional methods of reading, while others have gone paperless or prefer digital reading. Please update us one how you prefer to receive your monthly newsletter.

Preference for receiving monthly newsletter:



                Hand delivery (available only at Splatsin 1 and 2):


Elizabeth Brown Indian Registry Administrator/Communications Liaison

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