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Community Justice Forum (Restorative Justice) Facilitator Training

Community Justice Forum (Restorative Justice) Facilitator Training

Splatsin Community Centre, Enderby BC


This 2 ½ day workshop will cover the history, philosophy, and theory behind restorative justice and community justice forums (CJF). Participants will learn how to assist their communities in addressing harmful and/or criminal behaviour by bringing together the parties/people affected by the incident, including support for those who caused the harm and those harmed. A key component of the training will focus on the emotional impact that is the result of the offending behavior on all of those affected. An introduction to basic facilitation skills will provide participants with direction on the preparatory skills required to facilitate a CJF. The training is open to anyone with an interest in restorative justice as well as those interested in becoming facilitators.


Restorative Justice Trainer & Facilitator: Jim Cooley


Dates:             Monday, January 23, 2017:             9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Tuesday, January 24, 2017:             9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Wednesday, January 25, 2017:        9:00 am – 12:00 pm


Location:        Splatsin Community Centre, Enderby, BC


Registration Cost: no cost for registration


Morning & afternoon snacks, coffee & water will be provided.


Manuals, materials and resources are supplied


Space is limited to 24 participants



Registering Participant (no cost):




Mailing Address:


Province & Postal Code:




Complete and return the registration form by email to Edith Fortier email [email protected]


For more information, contact:

Edith Fortier at 250-851-0957 or by email [email protected]

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