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CIER Learning Circle

The Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources (CIER), with financial support from Environment and Climate Change Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service invite you to join our next Learning Circle.

Wednesday, July 9
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Our July Learning Circle will be centered around the Skeetchestn Fisher Project. It is a project focused on the management and conservation of the fisher within Skeetchestn Territory and the implementation of a management plan for the Skeetchestn Fisher Recovery Area (SFRA) and the verification of its boundaries.

There are a lot of potential lessons we can learn from this project from the combination of track surveys, habitat modelling, identifying habitat recovery opportunities and surveying of other culturally-significant co-occurring species.

You can register by clicking here for the Zoom link:

This session is open to anyone in the community interested in attending.

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